Available exclusively at PriceSmart Clubs in Colombia.
Redeem a minimum of $20,000 and up to $2,000,000.
Applies to Oro, Platinum, and Signature PriceSmart Scotiabank Colpatria credit cards.
Don’t let your SmartCash expire—redeem it today and enjoy your savings!
Note: Your Membership must be active at the time of redemption.
Accumulate 1% on your purchases at other retailers.
Redeem your SmartCash on items or cash at PriceSmart
Extended Warranty
Purchase Protection Insurance
Price Protection Insurance
And other benefits.
It applies to all cards acquired within the validity of the campaign and that make their first purchase in PriceSmart clubs nationwide, to access the benefit the first purchase must be made no later than the last business day of the month following the activation of the product. The benefit granted will be linked to the amount of the first purchase as follows. Value of the purchase greater than or equal to $500,000 will be returned via CashBack of $100,000, value of the purchase greater than or equal to $1,000,000 a refund will be made via CashBack of $200,000. This refund will be reflected as a credit to the balance of the Pricesmart Scotiabank Colpatria Credit Card with which the purchase is made in the month following the purchase. Does not apply to purchases in The maximum period to make the first purchase is until the last day of the month following the activation of the product, it does not apply to renewals and/or reshipments.